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Nifty - NIF interface generator


Tutorial 1: First Steps

Files For This Tutorial

A simple Example

Let’s say you want to create a NIF module from the following example C file fib.c:

fib(int n) {
  if (n<=2) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

Nifty needs a header file to create a NIF module, so let’s write one and store it under fib.h

extern int fib(int n);

Now we can create a NIF module, using Nifty:

1> nifty:compile("fib.h", fib, []).
generating fib.h -> fib_nif.c fib.erl
==> fib (compile)
Compiled src/fib_remote.erl
Compiled src/fib.erl
Compiling c_src/fib_nif.c

Now let’s try to load the module:

2> l(fib).
=ERROR REPORT==== 4-Apr-2014::14:30:16 ===
The on_load function for module fib returned
  "Failed to load NIF library: '.../fib/priv/ undefined symbol: fib'"}}

The loader reports, that it cannot find the function fib. What happened? When we generated the NIF, we forgot to tell Nifty that it should also compile fib.c:

3> nifty:compile("fib.h", fib, nifty_utils:add_sources(["fib.c"], [])).
generating fib.h -> fib_nif.c fib.erl
==> fib (compile)
Compiled src/fib_remote.erl
Compiled src/fib.erl
Compiling c_src/fib_nif.c
Compiling .../fib.c
4> l(fib).
5> fib:fib(10).

The third arguments specifies the compile options which are equivalent to the options that you can set in a rebar.config. To add a source file or compile options to your NIF module, you have to use the target {".*", "$NIF", [<source files>], <optional options>} in the port_specs option. Fortunatley, Nifty comes with some utility functions, that help creating such a configuration. We want to add a source file to an empty configuration. an empty configuration is [] and we can add the source fib.c with nifty_utils:add_sources.

When you leave the interactive interpreter, you will see that Nifty created a complete Erlang project:

├── c_src
│   └── fib_nif.c
├── ebin
│   └──
├── include
│   └── fib.hrl
├── priv
├── rebar.config
└── src
    ├── fib_remote.erl
    └── fib.erl
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